Wednesday, July 8, 2009


The first six customers get a free Sweet Dreams magnet with their cupcakes! Get your orders in!

Welcome! / Prices

This all began with the Summer of Lisa -- an entire summer devoted to me doing nothing all day. However, that got old pretty quickly, so I decided to pick up a hobby. And, as you may have guessed, that hobby is cupcake decorating. The one problem being that, although I love making and decorating them, my nutritionist would not be too pleased with me if I were to eat them. And that's where you guys come into play... Please take them off my hands and out of my kitchen!

Pricing is as follows...

Regular Cupcakes:
One / $2
Six / $10

Mini Cupcakes:
One / $1
Six / $5

The cupcakes can either be picked up from my apartment, or if you live close by, I'd be happy to make deliveries.